Practitioners´ Network Seminar - Dealing with Disruption: the case of death and divorce among owners9 Mars 2023 - 9 Mars 202516:00 - 17:00 Zoom
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Practitioners´ Network Seminar - Dealing with Disruption: the case of death and divorce among ownersWelcome to the CeFEO Practitioners’ Network Seminar: Date and time: March 9th from 16.00-17:00 via zoom
Dealing with Disruption: the case of death and divorce among owners
The loss or break-up of a family member is highly stressful for the family. Besides psychosocial effects, it necessitates financial and legal arrangements to formally separate an individual from a family unit. When an owner exits through death, divorce, or family conflict, his/her shares in the family business need to be transferred. This can lead to ownership changes, financial distress, conflicts, and more. This seminar will discuss enablers, tools, and considerations to help prepare business families for family disruptions.
CeFEO Presenters: Massimo Bau - Director of CeFEO and Senior Associate Professor in Business Administration – JIBS Kajsa Haag - CeFEO member, Associate Dean of Faculty, and Assistant Professor in Business Administration - JIBS Hanna Almlöf - CeFEO Affiliated Researcher and Associate professor in Commercial Law at the Linköping University
In case of additional questions, please contact Joaquin Cestino Castilla Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership
Senast uppdaterad:
2023-03-01 09:29